

Anne Young,

Feb 16, 2025

Will Horner,

Feb 09, 2025

Will Horner,

Feb 02, 2025

Will Horner

Jan 26, 2025

Will Horner

Jan 19, 2025

Will Horner

Jan 5, 2025


Christmas at Collective Church

Maybe there’s more

Will Horner

Dec 15, 2024

So, this is Christmas?

Will Horner

Dec 1, 2024


Will Horner

Nov 24, 2024


who is your SHEPHERD?


Will Horner

Nov 17, 2024



Nov 10, 2024

Mike Beaumont

Nov 3, 2024

Will Horner

Oct 27, 2024

Martin Dunkley

Oct 20, 2024

Worshipping our way Forward as a MULTIPLYING MOVEMENT

Worshipping our way Forward as a MULTIPLYING MOVEMENT

Will Horner

Oct 13, 2024


Matthew 13:31-32

The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, starting small but growing into a tree where birds find shelter. God’s vision is a multiplying movement—churches and disciples spreading across the world. From humble beginnings, the Kingdom has expanded through faith, planting, and discipleship, with God continuing to grow and multiply His impact today. We are part of this story, called to share, lead, and pioneer for His Kingdom.

Oct 6, 2024

How to Tell Others

Have you ever wondered how your friends, family, and coworkers lives might change if they experienced Jesus for themselves? In How to Tell Others, we’ll dive into the powerful ways Jesus reached people, and discover how we too can share His message in everyday moments, transforming lives with His love.

Acts 22

When we share our story, we bridge the gap between our experience and the lives of others. In Acts 22, Paul speaks to a crowd, sharing his transformation from persecutor to disciple, using language they understand. His testimony is powerful because it’s personal. How can we tell our unique stories in a way that resonates with others and point them to Jesus?

Will Horner

Sep 29, 2024

Romans 5:6-11

We can’t help but talk about the things that our hearts are captured by. When our hearts are captured by the outrageous love of God, we can’t help but be compelled to tell others about Him.

Will Horner

Sep 22, 2024

Acts 17:16-34

God has placed each of us where we are to help lead the people in our lives towards Him, because God has created all people to find their way towards Him - we can do that by having intentional spiritual conversations with the people around us.

Dane Johansen

Sep 15, 2024

Mark 2:13-17

The legacy of Jesus' hospitality shows us that sharing meals with others creates powerful opportunities for connection, transformation, and inviting people into His love and grace.

Will Horner

Sep 8, 2024


Have you ever felt far away from God, wondering where He is in the midst of your pain? In these moments, God invites us to draw close to Him, offering a deep, unshakable hope as He reminds us of His steadfast love and faithfulness, even when everything around us feels uncertain.

Will Horner

Jul 7, 2024




God wants to use the challenging times is life for our good and His glory. There is grace, there is hope, there is help from Jesus available to us when we turn to, submit to, and trust in Him.

Martin Dunkley

Jun 16, 2024

Will Horner

Jun 2, 2024

Will Horner

May 19, 2024



Jesus steps into Simon Peter's boat and invites him to push the boat out into deep waters for a catch of fish. Jesus used this miracle as an object lesson to show Simon how we would end up fishing for people. What will Jesus do in our lives when we push the boat out into the everyday places of our lives, believing He wants to see people come to know Him?


Paul’s letter to the Colossians is an encouragement that they are doing well, but that they need to keep clear on who Jesus is. Have you ever had a prescription from the optician that changes everything? This letter is a ’Gospel Prescription’ for how to look at life as a follower of Jesus. We are going to ‘SEE JESUS’ for who He really is.

Colossians 3:5-10

Will Horner

Mar 3, 2023

Colossians 3:1-7

Will Horner

Feb 11, 2024

Colossians 2:13-15

Last time we discovered what is true of Jesus. You cannot read the Bible, without the Bible reading you. So this time Paul unpacks what is true of us, both before and after Jesus!

Will Horner

Nov 19, 2023

Colossians 2:8-12

Paul warns the followers of Jesus in Colossae to see that they don't get taken captive by the philosophy around them; instead see Jesus! He unpacks what is true of Jesus, and what impact that has on us when we respond in faith to Him.

Will Horner

Nov 12, 2023

Colossians 2:4-7

In this section of Paul's letter he warns the church in Colossae to not be deceived by other ideas. In the midst of this he calls them to stay true to Jesus.

Will Horner

Nov 5, 2023

Colossians 1:28


The second thing Paul is called to do now that the mystery of God is revealed is to share Jesus with everyone! That's because the message is Jesus, and the message is for everyone!

Will Horner

Oct 22, 2023

Colossians 1:29-2:3


Now that the Mystery of God (Jesus) has been revealed - Paul unpacks what he is called to do about it on bahlf of the church, and therefore what we are called to do; labour & contend for our relationship with Jesus!

Will Horner

Oct 15, 2023

Colossians 1:24-27


Paul describes Jesus as the revealed mystery of God. All the mystery and questions and longings of the Old Testament, the Colossian culture and us as people today are revealed, resolved and answered in who Jesus is and what He has done!

Will Horner

Oct 1, 2023

Colossians 1:15-23

The cultural ideas from outside the church in the city of Colossae and false teaching within the church community were putting pressure on the church community to see Jesus differently. Paul addresses this head on and helps the church see Jesus with clarity.

Matt Horner

Sep 24, 2023

Colossians 1:9-14


Paul gives the church in Colossae a 'Jesus prescription'. He helps them see what He has done for them, and why they ought to live their lives totally for Him and seek to please him in every way.

Will Horner

Sep 17, 2023

Colossians 1:1-8


An introduction to the letter to the Colossians. What does life look like through the lenses that Paul prescribes? See Jesus!

Will Horner

Sep 10, 2023


Ever felt like you want to share Jesus with others but you don’t know where to start or if anyone will be interested to listen? Let the pressure fall away and let’s see our confidence grow! Check out these sermons that will help us grow in our confidence to share Jesus with others!

Mark 2

Jesus shared life with the people he reached out to. Meals, laughter, telling stories and spending time with friends. We can also have confidence to share life with people.

Ste Mac

July 23, 2023

Acts 2

Peter shares a clear and compelling message that leaves people wanting to know how to respond. We can have confidence in telling the story of God to people and in inviting them to respond.

Will Horner

July 16, 2023

Acts 8

Philip is sent on a journey to meet an individual and then he walks and talks with him. We can have confidence to journey with people towards life with Jesus at the centre.

Helen Conroy

July 9, 2023

John 4:1-42

We can have confidence to have normal conversations with people about Jesus in our everyday life.

Terry Young

Jul 2, 2023

Acts 16

Our confidence to share Jesus with others is firmly rooted in God’s ability to transform every situation!

Will Horner

Jun 18, 2023

Acts 1:8 & Acts 16:12-15

Our confidence to share Jesus with others is not in ourselves but in the Holy Spirit who changes everything!

Will Horner

Jun 11, 2023

Dedication Celebration

We had the privilege of giving thanks to God for the gift of Raine. Dedication is all about giving thanks, giving to God, and giving support to these families!

May 7, 2023

Psalm 139 & other Scriptures

What is God really like? What is his heart full of for us?

Matt Horner

May 7, 2023


Ever feel like you’re not growing in your faith? Struggle to know how to move forward? Here Will unpacks the number one contributing factor to how we grow in our relationship with Jesus.


We have walked through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. We completed the whole book in April 2023. This is seriously good news for everyone!

The Gospel of Mark

What have we discovered over the last 3 and a half years as we have walked through Mark’s record of Jesus’ life?

Will Horner

Apr 16, 2023

Mark 15:40-16:8

What is Easter all about? An Extraordinary God who calls ordinary people to follow Him.

Will Horner

Apr 9, 2023

Mark 15:33-39

The cross meant something for Jesus and means something for us. On Good Friday we celebrate this beautiful exchange!

Will Horner

Apr 7, 2023

Mark 15:16-32

Mockery, insults, humiliation. Jesus experiences the worst of human injustice. What does this mean for us?

Mike Beaumont

Apr 2, 2023

Mark 15:1-15

Amidst the noise of shouting crowds, envious leaders, and a questioning judge, Jesus’s silence speaks volumes; louder and clearer than anyone else.

Will Horner

Mar 12, 2023

Mark 14:53-72

Peter one of the leading disciples of Jesus follows at a distance, and completely denies even knowing Jesus. What hope is there for failures like this?

Will Horner

Mar 5, 2023

Dedication Celebration

We had the privilege of giving thanks to God for the lives of Ezra & Cora. Dedication is all about giving thanks, giving to God, and giving support to these families!

Feb 19, 2023

Psalm 139

Where do we come from? Psalm 139 tells us that God made us, knows us, and is with us.

Will Horner

Feb 19, 2023


We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. This is the section of the story where Jesus journey’s to the cross. This is seriously good news for everyone!

Mark 14:32-52

Jesus prays and gives up His ideas for His Father’s in the most pressured and emotionally intense moment of His life. This is what Jesus has done for us!

Will Horner

Feb 12, 2023

Mark 14:12-31

Like all of us, the disciples all had blind spots. Jesus sees through them with remarkable insight, and meets their failings with forgiveness.

Will Horner

Feb 5, 2023

Mark 14:1-11

What matters to Jesus? What really touches His heart? We find out when this woman comes in the room.

Will Horner

Jan 22, 2023


We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. Jesus is now in the last few weeks and months of his life before he dies and rises again. This is seriously good news for everyone!

Mark 13:1-37

Jesus encourages His disciples not to worry about WHEN, but HOW they will face difficult experiences to come; DON’T GIVE UP!

Will Horner

January 15, 2023

Mark 12:41-44

Jesus sits and watches people giving money in the Temple - what kind of gift gets his attention?

Will Horner

January 8, 2023

Mark 12:35-40

Who is Jesus? How do we respond? And watch as Jesus confronts the religious leaders.

Will Horner

November 20, 2022

Mark 12:13-34

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and it reveals more about who He is.

Will Horner

November 13, 2022

Mark 11:27-33

Jesus is challenged about where he gets the authority to do things he does. He reveals where his authority is from.

Will Horner

November 6, 2022

Mark 11:12-25

Jesus speaks and reframes what it means to connect with God.

Will Horner

October 23, 2022

Mark 11:1-11

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and it reveals more about who He is.

Will Horner

October 16, 2022


We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. Jesus is teaching his disciples about what it means to follow Him, while they’re on their way to Jerusalem. This is seriously good news for everyone!

Mark 10:46-52

Jesus is on the road, moving closer to His main purpose with disciples following. The question is: are you beside the road or on the road with Him?

Will Horner

October 9, 2022

Mark 10:32-45

Jesus is redefining the expectations of His disciples about His purpose. What does that mean for us?

Will Horner

October 2, 2022

Mark 10:17-31

A man comes bowing down to Jesus eager to get what Jesus offers, but we discover he doesn’t want to let go of what He’s got to take hold of it!

Will Horner

September 25, 2022


Catch up on our baptism celebration! It was full of joy, a rich sense of family, and God’s love as we heard about Joel & Lily’s amazing journeys to saying, “Yes” to following Jesus.


What is justice and where does it come from? How do we do justice today? This collection of 3 sermons unpacks the Biblical idea of justice.


To be a follower of Jesus means having a heart for the poor.

Al Rycroft

May 15, 2022

GOD’S HEART FOR THE OUTSIDER (Ephesians 2:11-13)

Where the world makes outsiders, God brings people in!

Rob Ainsworth

May 8, 2022

GOD OF JUSTICE (Micah 6:8 & others)

What is Justice and where does it come from?

Will Horner

May 1, 2022


The story that we celebrate at Easter time is one of great hope, but why does it really matter to you and me today?


What really deserves our pursuit? What is most meaningful and worth sharing with others? Check out these different sermons (messages based on the Bible that unpack a different aspect of the Christian Faith, and why following Jesus is so worth it.

THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Various Scriptures)

What good news did Jesus and the early church share? What makes it such good news for us today? How do we respond to it?

Caleb Ellwood

April 10, 2022

THE GOSPEL (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

What Jesus has freely and selflessly done for us, means that we have a new life free from the old, and a hope for the future! Receiving and standing on that good news matters more than anything.

Will Horner

April 3, 2022


Jesus explained that following Him is all or nothing. It means Him at the centre of our lives - and that matters more than anything.

Emily Harrison

March 20, 2022

THE BIBLE (2 Timothy 3:10-4:13)

The Bible is what really matters in life. Hear Mike unpack why it matters so much.

Mike Beaumont

March 13, 2022


It’s the relationships we have that matter most in life. Everyday our relationships can be hijacked by offence. What did Jesus tell us about building healthy relationships in the face of offence?

Ron MacLean

March 6, 2022

MORE & MORE (2 Peter 1:1-11)

Growing more is what really matters - not just a little bit more, but a continual journey of growing, because that’s what God has for us.

Rick Thomas

February 20, 2022

LOVE (Proverbs 4:23 & others)

Love is what really matters - both seeking to experience God’s love, and expressing love to others.

Martin Dunkley

February 13, 2022


The early church was so different from the culture in which it lived, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit to not just put on meetings and events but to cultivate a transformed lifestyle. We get to cultivate the same! It’s a life marked by prayer, generosity and going to those around us with the love and message of Jesus. CULTIVATE opens three windows into the New Testament Churches experience of life with Jesus at the centre, and call us to choose to cultivate the same in our own lives.

Acts 13:1-5

The early church made room for the Holy Spirit! And because they did they heard what He was saying, and were then empowered to follow Him in every way. As followers of Jesus, we get to follow His Spirit everyday too!

Will Horner

February 13, 2022

Acts 8:26-40

The early church simply didn’t exist for themselves. They were full of the Holy Spirit, praying and listening to Him, and it always lead them to engage with people everyday, leading them to life with Jesus at the centre. That’s the lifestyle we get to live!

Will Horner

January 23, 2022

Acts 4:32-37

It’s very normal to want to keep and get more stuff for “me!” So when we see that giving was a normal, extravagant, and joyful part of everyday life for the early church, we have to ask “why?!” The amazing thing? We get to live this out today too!

Will Horner

January 16, 2022

Acts 4:23-31

What’s your first response in a tough situations? The early church had a lifestyle of prayer, which meant that prayer was their first response, not their last resort. We get the immense joy and privilege of living out that same lifestyle.

Will Horner

January 9, 2022


We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. This is seriously good news for everyone!

Mark 9:2-13

In this story, God tells the disciples to listen to Jesus above the other cultural voices that were shaping the way they viewed the world. What are you listening to?

Will Horner

November 14, 2021

Mark 8:22-9:1

Jesus heals a man of his blindness and asks His disciples who they see that Jesus really is. What do you see?

Mike Beaumont

November 7, 2021

Mark 7:24-37

Jesus travelled all over the place making a massive difference to people’s lives through his message and his miracles. But did Jesus really come for everyone?

Rick Thomas

October 10, 2021

Mark 7:1-23

Jesus challenges the religious leaders commitment to their own traditions rather than to the heart and truth of what God says in the Bible. Tradition vs. the Heart.

Will Horner

October 3, 2021

Mark 6:45-52

Jesus sends his disciples in a boat across the sea of Galilee. In the middle of the lake, this rabble of disciples is pushing against a storm in the early hours of the morning. That’s when Jesus came to them, walking on the lake.

Will Horner

September 12, 2021

SO WHAT EXACTLY IS _ _ _ _ _ ?

We all have questions about the Christian Faith. Whether you’re exploring for the first time or refreshing your view for the hundredth time, we’re wiping the fog away on central elements of our Faith.

From The Trinity to The Church to Baptism and more.


On Sunday, September 5 we celebrated all the amazing things God has done in the last year and looked ahead to what He has in store for us as a church community. Will unpacks Psalm 34, a song written by David that invites us to taste and see that the Lord is good!

Matthew 6:5-13

What exactly is prayer? Jesus taught His disciples to pray and people have prayed for thousands of years. Find out what Jesus said about prayer.

Will Horner

July 18, 2021

Various Scriptures

Breaking bread and sharing wine has been a practice of followers of Jesus for the last two thousand years. What does it mean and why do we do it?

Will Horner

July 11, 2021

2 Timothy 3:10-17

The Bible is one of the most famous books on the planet. It has been read and known, cherished and trusted for thousands of years. What is this book? And where do I start to read it?

Will Horner

July 4, 2021


Catch up on our first ever baptism celebration! It was full of joy, a rich sense of family, and God’s love as we heard about Sam’s amazing journey to saying, “Yes” to following Jesus.

See below for just the sermon So What Exactly Is Baptism?

Various Scriptures

Baptism. What is this central practice of the Church really all about? Come and hear the heart behind baptism and see a baptism take place!

Will Horner

June 20, 2021

Various Scriptures

We’re demystifying one of the most famous organisations and institutions on the planet. What exactly is the Church?

Will Horner

June 13, 2021

1 John 1:1-3

Jesus of Nazareth and His followers claim that He is the Son of God; but what does that mean? And did Jesus even exist in reality? And if he did, why does it matter?

Will Horner

June 6, 2021

Acts 2:1-4 & Various Scriptures

Who exactly is The Holy Spirit? Join us for Pentecost Sunday as we continue to demystify central elements of our faith.

Will Horner

May 23, 2021

Matthew 6:5-13

Looking at the way Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to God the Father. This reveals what God the Father is like and what it means to experience Him.

Will Horner

May 16, 2021

Various Scriptures

One God, Three Persons. Seeing the Trinity in the Bible and seeing the Trinity in the life of Jesus so that we can experience the Trinity in our lives.

Will Horner

May 9, 2021


Will unpacks Thomas’s story. A follower of Jesus who was locked in by fear, unbelief and had a hurting heart. Tune in to hear his story and for the opportunity to make a response to Jesus for yourself. This is full of opportunities to pray and receive from God.


Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and if true changes everything. But you maybe asking, “Is it true?” or, “Does it even make a difference today?” Check out our Easter Sunday livestream service or catch Will’s sermon (a message or talk based on the Bible) where he asks those exact questions!




Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and if true changes everything. But you maybe asking, “Is it true?” or, “Does it even make a difference today?” Check out our Easter Sunday livestream service or catch Will’s sermon (a message or talk based on the Bible) where he asks those exact questions!




We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. This is seriously good news for everyone!

Mark 6:7-44

What can power be used for? Mark 6 shows one way where people are broken and destroyed. And another where people are cared for, healed and blessed. Which do you want to be apart of?

Tom Price

March 21, 2021

Mark 6:1-6

The scandal of Jesus. What Jesus talked about, did and who He is made real ripples in His home town. Hear how Jesus confronts us.

March 14, 2021

Mark 5:21-43

Jesus is called on to help and to heal. And faith is displayed by those around Him. Jesus is only a small reach of faith away, and He’s never too busy for us.

Em Harrison

March 7, 2021

Mark 5:1-20

Jesus and His disciples arrive at the other side of the lake to encounter a man who didn’t know what to do with himself - Jesus did. What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

Mike Beaumont

February 21, 2021

Mark 4:35-41

Jesus and his disciples are in a boat travelling across the sea of Galilee. This turn of events leaves them asking, “Who is this?”

Will Horner

February 14, 2021


What does life with Jesus at the centre look like? Our relationship with God is thankfully not a once-a-week religious practice; it’s so much more exciting than that! We’re exploring four key attributes that mark the life of an apprentice of Jesus.

Following Jesus means living in the adventure of His purpose for our lives. And as His apprentices we can’t help but go with Him to share His love with the world.

Will Horner

February 7, 2021

Jesus is pure generosity and servanthood. He made Himself poor that we might become rich. Our apprenticeship to Him leads us to generously give and lovingly serve.

Will Horner

January 24, 2021

As apprentices of Jesus, we enjoy the amazing privilege of growing in our friendship with Jesus, and the amazing result of becoming more like Him.

Will Horner

January 17, 2021

The foundation of our apprenticeship to Jesus is God’s costly GRACE freely given to us in Jesus Christ; and this gift changes everything.

Will Horner

January 10, 2021


What’s the greatest gift of Christmas? J John joins us to unwrap the gift of Christmas, along with friends to sing carols, and share Christmas reading!


A very cozy Christmas service filled with cheer and all your favourite Christmas carols. Hear the story of Christmas and join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus.



Has science disproved the existence of God? How can we trust that the Bible hasn’t changed over the centuries? Did Jesus even exist? How can God exist when there is so much evil and suffering in the world?

These are questions that we all ask and are worth exploring. Every worldview has to face these questions, and so we’re exploring how the Christian Faith answers them, showing that belief in God is not only meaningful, but also rational.

How can you believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He rose from the dead? What evidence is there that points to this pivotal moment that the Christian Faith is built on? Jonny unpacks this important issue.

Jonny Munby

December 6, 2020

Is Jesus the only way to God? Isn’t it arrogant to say that one religion is right over another? Isn’t Jesus just another religious prophet and nice person? Tom address these key questions around Jesus being the exclusive way to God.

Tom Price

November 29, 2020

Lara addresses the issue of hypocrisy in the church. Hypocrisy (pretending or “not walking the talk”) does not line up with the values of the Christian Faith. Jesus spoke more about this than any other in the Bible.

Lara Buchanan

November 8, 2020

Rick addresses the question of suffering; how can a good and powerful God exist if there is evil & suffering in the world? He also unpacks how the Christian Faith invites us to face suffering.

Rick Thomas

November 15, 2020

Mike addresses the questions of whether the Bible is right, reliable and relevant. Is the Bible just a fairy tale or can we trust it?

Mike Beaumont

November 8, 2020

Will addresses the question of God’s existence. Is there any evidence that points to the existence of God?

Will Horner

November 1, 2020

Will interviews Mark Clark, author of The Problem of God about the first chapter, discussing whether science has erased faith.

Mark Clark & Will Horner

October 25, 2020

problem of god - book.jpeg


This collection of sermons is based on the book The Problem of God by Mark Clark. We recommend it as further reading and a great way to explore how the Christian Faith responds to these important questions. It was a privilege for Will to interview Mark to kick off the series.


Will talks with Martin Dunkley who is the leader of our Network of churches in the UK and he shares his story. Growing up as an atheist, Martin had no interest in God or church, but everything changed when a Christian moved into his house while at Uni.

Will Horner & Martin Dunkley

September 27, 2020

Mark TITLE.png

We are walking through the Gospel of Mark from start to finish as a church community. Verse by verse, section by section unpacking the life and teachings of Jesus. We started back in 2019 when Collective Church was meeting in Will & Elyse’s home. So some of the first sermons are not yet recorded for the website. You can pick up where we started here in September 2020.

Mark 4:1-20

Jesus teaches that God generously sows good things into our lives, but that we need to have soft hearts to receive it.

Mike Beaumont

September 20, 2020

Mark 3:20-35

Jesus identity was questioned, and yet he remained solid in who He is as the Son of God. We are invited to find our identity in a relationship with God.

Will Horner

September 13, 2020



We are praying for you! Join us for a special prayer service, with music from Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes, prayer for the vulnerable, businesses, leaders, everyone going back to school, and more!

September 6, 2020

What is the Christian faith really all about? Out of the 31,000 verses in the Bible, we’re going to look at 6 famous ones over the next 6 weeks, putting them in context, and explaining what they tell us about the Christian faith. Join us this Sunday as we start this new collection of sermons!

Jeremiah tells us that Christian faith is about God’s amazing generosity towards us.

Elyse Horner

August 30, 2020

Luke 10:27 tells us that the Christian faith is about loving others.

Mike Beaumont

August 23, 2020

Philippians 4 tells us that the Christian faith is about joy.

Will Horner

August 16, 2020

Philippians 2 tells us that the Christian faith is about humility.

Will Horner

August 9, 2020

1 Corinthians 13:1-7 tells us that the Christian faith is about love.

Will Horner

August 2, 2020

JOHN 3:16 tells us that the Christian faith is about connection with God.

Will Horner

July 26, 2020


Are you feeling weary? Jesus offers rest for our souls! Check out this one-off sermon from Will as He unpacks Jesus promise of rest, and hear Sanjay’s story of experiencing that rest even in the hardest season of his life.

(Matthew 11:28-30) Will Horner

July 19, 2020

In a season when there is so much change and so many people are looking for answers, google analytics for “prayer” have skyrocketed. This is a collection of eight sermons about why prayer is so exciting, worth it, and more than we might think, based on The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).

WHY PRAY? Because prayer is the greatest adventure.

(Matthew 6:10) Matthew Porter

July 12, 2020

WHY PRAY? Because prayer is the doorway to forgiveness.

(Matthew 6:12) Will Horner

July 5, 2020

WHY PRAY even when it hurts? Why is prayer so worth it even when we don’t get the answer we were hoping for?

(Matthew 6:10) Will Horner

June 28, 2020

WHY PRAY? Because when we pray, something always happens.

(Matthew 6:10) Ron MacLean

June 21, 2020

Why Pray? Because prayer is a two way conversation.

(Matthew 6:11) Will Horner

June 14, 2020

Why pray? Because God wants us to ask Him. He wants us to keep on coming to Him like a child depends on their Father

(Matthew 7:7-12) Will Horner

June 7, 2020

WHY PRAY? Because prayer connects us with the God who is worthy of worship.

(Matthew 6:9) Will Horner

May 31, 2020

WHY PRAY? Because the first reality of prayer that Jesus shows His disciples is that it’s all about relationship with our Father in heaven.

(Matthew 6:9) Will Horner

May 24, 2020


A collection of four sermons about who God is. Will unpacks 4 key aspects of the character and nature of God, inspiring us to connect with the God who is near, trustworthy, strong and good.

Will finishes this collection out of Psalm 23, talking about who God is, and unpacks why God is a good shepherd, companion and generous host.

(Psalm 23) Will Horner

May 17, 2020

Will continues to share out of Psalm 145, talking about who God is, and unpacks why God is strong, and how generous He is with His strength.

(Psalm 145) Will Horner

May 10, 2020

Will continues to share about who God is and unpacks why we can trust God, out of Psalm 145.

(Psalm 145) Will Horner

May 3, 2020

Will begins a new sermon series on who God is. This first sermon is about how God is near to us.

(James 4:8) Will Horner

April 26, 2020


One of our values as a church is to creatively pioneer new ways to connect with people, and to experience and learn about who God is. One of the many ways that we do that is through music, with Collective Worship, which is our music team for Sunday morning gatherings.


Jesus has totally changed our lives. He has taken what was broken picked it all up and made something beautiful. He took what was dead and made us alive with Him through the death and resurrection of Jesus. We pray you experience the new life He offers!

(written by Hillsong Young & Free, featuring Collective Worship)

How Great Is The Love

When we reflect on the love of God for us, we can’t help but say, “Thank you!”. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus is the proof that God loves you.

(written by Meredith Andrews & Paul Baloche, featuring Collective Worship)

This Is Living Now

Knowing God and His love for us inspires a response and a decision to follow Him, to live for Him and with Him! We pray you are inspired by this song.

(written by Hillsong Young & Free, featuring Collective Worship)

Reckless Love

God’s love is so lavish, generous and selfless. He gave His life for us, so that we could be in relationship with Him. We pray that you experience God’s love as you listen to this song.

(written by Cory Asbury, featuring Collective Worship).


Run To The Father

God is a Father who loves us just as we are. We don’t have to pretend to be something or someone we’re not. He’s ready for us to come to Him, and He invites us to run into His arms. We pray that you experience His love as you listen to this song.

(written by Cody Carnes, featuring Collective Worship).


We contribute to a collective of singers, musicians and creatives called Taking Ground Music, with a vision to see people awakened to who God is. Our desire is to write, produce and release music that encourages you, and points and connects you to our hero - Jesus. Here is some of our music so far!

Here Is My Praise

There are days and even seasons where we can feel beautifully captivated by the nearness of God. But there are also days and seasons when fears are great or we can’t quite see the way ahead, God can feel more distant. But the truth is, that whatever we are feeling, whether we feel close or far, fear or faith, God is always, always deserving of our praise because of who He is. This song is a choice and a declaration to give Him the praise that He deserves, whatever the state our souls

(written by Elyse Horner, featuring Taking Ground Music)

Calling Me Back

This song is raw and honest, describing how we might feel when we feel overwhelmed or burnt out. Yet it's also song of hope, it's a song that highlights the truth that God is not distant but is pursuing us and calling us back to be with him.

(written by Matt Horner , featuring Taking Ground Music)

You [Psalm 73]

This song is about turning to God when we are struggling with the circumstances around us, or with comparison and negative thoughts. When we turn to Him we realise that He is everything that we need.

(written by Elyse Horner, featuring Taking Ground Music)

Forget Not

This song is a powerful reminder to forget not what God has done in our lives. Always remember in every circumstance how faithful, powerful, loving and kind He is to us.

(written by Matt Horner & Ben Dean, featuring Taking Ground Music & Room 1 Project)

Christ my King

This song speaks to the truth of Who Jesus is, and what He has done for us.

(written by Josh Dunkley, featuring Taking Ground Music)

For the Glory

This song is a prayer to God, asking Him to be the King of our lives.

(written by Will Horner, featuring Taking Ground Music)