About Us

Our Vision

Our vision is to see a multiplying movement of people,

finding & sharing life with Jesus at the centre.

Our Mission


We are here to engage with people everyday, leading them to life with Jesus at the centre.

Our Values


We are a collective of people who share life together. We first and foremost, share the life that Jesus offers, and because of this, we can pass on God’s love through generosity, hospitality and in cheering each other on and encouraging each other in our faith journeys.


As a collective, our lives are centred in Jesus Christ, who is the giver of life and peace. Everything we do is centred in Him, His amazing love, the good news about what Jesus has done, His Word (the Bible), His Kingship, His mission and purpose, and His presence (the fact that He’s with us now!). It’s our delight to know Him, be known by Him, and to make Him known.


We don’t exist for ourselves, but for our city; York. Our heart is to be outward focused, to love, support and serve the people and businesses in our city. We would love to see our city transformed by the unconditional love of Jesus.

Our Pastors

We are Will and Elyse Horner and, along with our son Raine, we are thrilled to welcome you to Collective Church! We love the city of York, and have a passion for the 5.6 million people in the whole Yorkshire region who don’t know who Jesus is, to hear the life-changing power of the message of Jesus Christ, and to experience the incredible life that He offers when we make Him the centre of our lives.

We moved to York in 2018 to start Collective Church, after having lived and worked in Winnipeg, Canada at Gateway Church, where Elyse is from. We are musicians and songwriters, and we love to travel - especially around Canada! Elyse is a secondary science teacher in a local school and together we love spending time hosting and cooking for people! We are excited to be here, excited to get to know you, and excited to share the love of Jesus.

Our Partners